…multi-disciplinary team offering a range of services….
Aquasora utilises a multidisciplinary team to offer a range of consulting services, from strategy through to systems support, enabling clients to:
- enhance business processes
- implement efficiencies across people and technology
- identify & realise potential cost savings
- leverage new technology platforms
…determine business requirements and leverage proven solutions…
Consultants establish the critical applications requirements and leverage the proven solution set to deliver sustainable business value.
…leading players within the industry and local specialists…
To complement core services, offer solutions that meet emerging business requirements, and help maintain currency within a continually evolving market, Aquasora continues to build an ecosystem comprising leading players within the industry, some of which are:
- Hewlett-Packard
- Actifio
- Cloud Central
…sourcing a range of ICT products for enterprise clients…
Catering to enterprise, Aquasora offers a managed procurement service to distribute a wide range of ICT products computer systems, computer peripherals, devices, enterprise ICT infrastructure, and selected enterprise software packages.
- Managed procurement
- National distribution
- Leading brands